What is Under Eye Filler

What is Under Eye Filler?

Under eye filler is a treatment that helps correct shadowing caused by volume loss and sagging skin in the lower eyelid area. It also can help reduce a tear trough deformity, which causes the under-eye area to look tired or sunken.

There are a number of different types of filler that are used to treat under eye bags and dark circles. Each has their own characteristics that make them good for the job.

1. Restylane

Restylane is a non-animal-based filler that is used to smooth wrinkles and fine lines, especially around the eyes. It is also an excellent choice for restoring volume to sunken facial features and lips.

This filler is based on hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps skin retain moisture. As you age, your body produces less hyaluronic acid, which can lead to the appearance of wrinkles and lines.

The hyaluronic acid in Restylane binds with water to form a soft gel that can smooth the skin and plump sunken areas of your face. It also increases collagen production, one of the main building blocks of your skin.

Hyaluronic acid is found in all parts of the body and has a high water-retention capacity, meaning it retains moisture when injected into the skin. This allows the skin to appear plumper and more youthful than before.

In addition to restoring volume to the face, Restylane can reduce the appearance of lip lines and creases and improve the appearance of under-eye hollows. It can also help with lines and creases on the corners of the mouth and nose (nasolabial folds) and folds along the side of the mouth called marionette lines.

The Restylane line of products is designed with different gel particle sizes for a variety of treatments. This allows the aesthetic team to tailor your treatment plan to suit your unique needs.

For example, the smaller particles are used for small wrinkles and detailed shaping while the larger particles are used to treat moderate to severe facial folds and lines. Depending on your cosmetic goals, the team at our practice may recommend Restylane Lyft, Restylane Refyne or Restylane Silk.

While some anti-aging skincare products and other facial treatments provide only a temporary plumping effect, the results of Restylane are longer lasting. This makes it an ideal option for patients looking to improve the look of their skin while avoiding the expense and recovery time associated with other options.

For many people, the results of a Restylane treatment last for up to six months, which is much longer than other dermal fillers. This is because the hyaluronic acid in Restylane bonds with water when it is injected into the skin. This causes the filler to break down and dissolve over time, allowing the results to continue to improve.

2. Juvederm

Juvederm is one of the most popular dermal fillers used today, as it can quickly add volume to lines and wrinkles. It also hydrates your skin, making it smoother and suppler.

This injectable is made of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring compound that’s found in your body. As you age, your ability to produce this substance decreases, and you’ll notice a loss of firmness, plumpness, and hydration in your skin.

When injected into the skin, Juvederm works by supporting the sub-layers of the dermis. It then binds to water molecules to restore a more youthful appearance.

While the results of a Juvederm treatment can be immediate, it’s important to allow your filler to settle before you see the full effects. This is normal, and it’s a time when your doctor can make small adjustments before the gel fully integrates with your tissues.

Depending on the area being treated, it can take anywhere from two weeks to a few months for your Juvederm results to completely settle. This is why it’s important to schedule touch-ups as soon as your injections have settled, so you can enjoy lasting results and keep your skin looking beautiful!

Once your Juvederm treatment is complete, you’ll need to follow the medical provider’s instructions on aftercare. These include avoiding direct sun exposure and heat sources (tanning beds, saunas), as well as high-intensity workouts for 24 hours before and after your treatment. You’ll also want to avoid blood-thinning medication or laser treatments for a couple of weeks.

The procedure is simple, and your doctor will use lidocaine to numb the treatment area. Once the area is numb, your doctor will insert a fine needle into the desired treatment spot and gently inject Juvederm in small amounts. The treatment process generally lasts about 15 minutes.

Because Juvederm is a hyaluronic acid filler, it’s a safe, effective treatment for a wide range of cosmetic concerns. It’s a non-surgical alternative to facial plastic surgery, and it can be combined with other injectable treatments for even longer-lasting results. It’s also incredibly affordable, and is an ideal option for patients on a budget.

3. Perlane

Perlane is a dermal filler that works to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. It contains hyaluronic acid, which is naturally produced by the body and helps to keep skin supple and hydrated. When this natural substance is depleted due to age or sun exposure, lines and wrinkles appear.

In most cases, Perlane is a safe treatment and does not have any significant side effects. It’s injected directly into the skin by a medical professional using a thin needle. Occasionally, a topical anesthetic is used to reduce discomfort.

The Perlane injection procedure takes about 30 to 45 minutes. You can have the treatment performed in the office or at home. Your skin care specialist might also recommend an ice pack before your injections to help relieve pain and swelling.

After your procedure, you may experience redness, itching and tenderness at the injection site. These symptoms tend to subside within a few days.

You might also see bruising around the treatment site, which will dissipate over time. If these side effects persist for longer than two weeks or become troublesome, contact your health care provider.

Your health care provider will tell you how much of the Perlane filler to use for your specific needs and goals. Typically, more of the product is needed for deep wrinkles and folds, and your provider will administer the filler at multiple sites to ensure that it’s evenly injected.

Unlike other dermal fillers, Perlane is not permanent, so it’s important to get touch ups or full treatments on a regular basis. This is an affordable and effective way to maintain your results.

If you’re ready to look younger and healthier, talk to your health care provider about how Perlane can help you achieve the skin you’ve always wanted. A trained Perlane specialist at a top cosmetics practice in Santa Monica or Portland can help you determine how often you should have your treatments to see the best results possible.

Perlane is made of a clear gel formulation of hyaluronic acid, which mimics the hyaluronic acid your body produces and provides long-lasting results. It’s injected into the skin via a small needle to add volume and restore smoothness to facial creases and wrinkles.

4. Radiesse

Radiesse is a collagen-stimulating filler that’s made from calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres suspended in a water-based gel. The tiny particles create a scaffold that stimulates your body to produce its own natural collagen, which results in a longer-lasting and more natural result.

It’s also safe for the eyes, which can be prone to bruising and swelling after injection. Luckily, the procedure is minimally invasive and the resulting swollenness subsides in just a few days.

However, it’s important to note that Radiesse may cause a bit more bruising and swelling than other dermal fillers. As a result, you may need to see your doctor if the bruising persists or becomes itchy and red.

If you’re interested in trying Radiesse, it’s best to schedule a consultation with a dermal filler expert. During this time, you’ll discuss your aesthetic goals and determine which dermal filler is best for you.

At BHRC, we offer a wide range of dermal fillers and will be happy to answer your questions about each one. Reach out to us today to schedule a free consultation and find out which option is best for you!

The under eye area is a common candidate for hyaluronic acid-based fillers like Juvederm and Restylane. These injectables are metabolized by the skin and are naturally dissolvable. Provided by board-certified dermatologist Cameron Rokhsar they can help minimize bags under the eyes, but they’re not a solution for every problem.

In fact, many people have dark circles under their eyes as a result of dehydration or allergies. Those should be addressed in other ways.

You should also look into other options if you have a significant amount of volume loss in the lower cheeks, temples, and marionette lines. Other non-hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, like Sculptra, can provide additional support and round out the areas.

Once you’ve determined which filler is right for you, you can schedule your treatment with a board-certified dermal specialist at BHRC. Our experienced staff can guide you through the entire process, from your initial consultation to your post-treatment care.

During the treatment, your physician will use a blunt-tipped cannula to insert small aliquots of the filler into the under eye area. By doing so, you can eliminate the risk of bruising and reduce the likelihood of lumping or clumping. It’s also a good idea to follow your physician’s aftercare instructions closely and apply cold compresses as directed.